
place and citadel

Aged 691

Cittadella (Venetian: Sitadeła) is a medieval walled city in the province of Padua, northern Italy, founded in the 13th century as a military outpost of Padua. The surrounding wall has been restored and is 1,461 metres (4,793 ft) in circumference with a diameter of around 450 metres (1,480 ft). There are four gates which roughly correspond the points of the compass. The local football club is A.S. Cittadella.

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Commemorated on 1 plaque

Cittadella Principale testimonianza del dominio visconteo a Bergamo, che dal 1333 si protrasse sino al 1428, quando la Città passò sotto la dominazione veneziana. Formatosi con l'edificazione da parte di Rodolfo Visconti nel 1379 di alloggiamenti della guarnigione, il complesso, denominato Hospitium Magnum, ha subito numerosi interventi. Il portico visconteo ad archi ogivali è stato restaurato nel 1958. Nella Cittadella hanno oggi sede il Museo di scienze naturali Enrico Caffi e il Museo Archeologico.

English translation: Citadel Principal source of Visconti rule in Bergamo, which lasted from 1333 until 1428, when the city came under the rule of Venice. Formed with the building by Rodolfo Visconti in 1379 of the garrison quarters, complex, called Hospitium Magnum, he has undergone numerous interventions. The porch Visconti with pointed arches was restored in 1958. In the Citadel today houses the Enrico Caffi Museum of Natural Science and the Archaeological Museum.

Piazza della Cittadella, Bergamo, Italy where it sited (1333)