Bastion Notre Dame

place and bastion (from 1637)

Aged 387

Commemorated on 1 plaque

Bastion Notre Dame ou Bastion des Buttes Construit pendant la guerre de Trente Ans (1637), il englobe la petite tour Notre Dame du XIVe siècle. À la pointe du bastion, une échauguette couverte d'une calotte en pierre, cachée par un toit en tuiles, du XIXe siècle.

English translation: Bastion Notre Dame Or Bastion of the Buttes Constructed during the Thirty Years' War (1637), it encompasses the small Notre Dame tower of the fourteenth century. At the tip of the bastion, a watchtower covered with a stone cap, hidden by a tiled roof, of the nineteenth century.

Boulevard Maréchal Joffre, Beaune, France where it built (1637)