Taking of Malaga

Died aged 0

The 5 of February of 1810 a contingent of troops French and Polish faced soldiers and civilians in the city of Malaga , within the framework of the Napoleonic invasion of Spain. After the battle, the city was subjected to Napoleon's imperial troops.


Commemorated on 2 plaques

En reconocimiento a los héroes del 5 de febrero de 1810. "Cerca de Málaga se reunieron unos cincuentamil franceses y polacos [...] Los españoles se estaban preparando. Todos cogían armas, hasta curas y mujeres e incluso vi a niños pequeños con fusiles [...] Un pueblo que se defiende de esta manera y sigue unido seguramente nos derrotará, pensé, y lo adiviné." Andrzej Dalek 9º Regimiento de infantería. Gran Ducado de Varsovia"

English translation: In recognition of the heroes of February 5, 1810. “Around fifty French and Poles met near Malaga [...] The Spaniards were getting ready. Everyone took weapons, even priests and women, and I even saw young children with rifles [...] A people who defend themselves in this way and remains united will surely defeat us, I thought, and I guessed it.” Andrzej Dalek 9th Infantry Regiment. Grand Duchy of Warsaw”

Parque Héroes del Combate de Teatinos, Málaga, Spain where it sited (1810)

En homenaje a los soldados y voluntarios que aquí resistieron heroicamente para defender Málaga frente a las Tropas Napoleónicas del IV Cuerpo de Ejército del General Sebastiani el 5 de Febrero de 1810. Excmo. Ayuntamiento de Málaga. Asociación H. C. "Teodoro Reding"

English translation: In tribute to the soldiers and volunteers who heroically resisted here to defend Malaga against the Napoleonic Troops of General Sebastiani's Fourth Army Corps on February 5, 1810. Excellency Malaga City Council. "Teodoro Reding” H. C. Association

Parque Héroes del Combate de Teatinos, Málaga, Spain where it sited (1810)