August Chaudet

Died aged c. 54

Commemorated on 3 plaques

Евангелическо-лютеранская церковь Святой Марии. Здание построено в 1913 г. Архитектор А.А. Шодэ

English translation: Evangelical Lutheran Church of St. Mary. The building was built in 1913. Architect A. A. Shode

ул. Ленина, 100, Ulyanovsk, Russia where they was the architect of the building

Особняк купца А. А. Сачкова. Построен в 1908-1909 гг. Архитектор А. А. Шодэ.

English translation: Mansion of the merchant A. A. Sachkov. It was built in 1908-1909. Architect A. A. Chaudet

ул. Льва Толстого, 73, Ulyanovsk, Russia where they was the architect of the building

Дом М. П. фон - Брадке. Построен в 1909 г. Архитектор А. А. Шодэ.

ул. Льва Толстого, 43, Ulyanovsk, Russia where they was the architect of the building