Ici s'éLevait l'Hôpital de la Charité dont la premiere pierre Fut Posee en 1617 et qui servit de modèle a de Novbreux hopitaux il fut edifie par l'aumone generale fondee en 1533 grace a la generosite publique pour venir en aide aux Lyonnais dans la detresse le Clocher fut erige en 1665 la Ville de Lyon a Voulu conserver ce monument en souvenir de l'Hopital demoli en 1934

English translation: "Here was the Hospital of Charity, of which the first stone was laid in 1617 And which served as a model of Novbreux hospitals it was built by the general alms Founded in 1533 thanks to the public generosity To help the Lyonnais in distress The Clocher was erected in 1665 The City of Lyon wanted to keep this monument In memory of the Hopital demoli in 1934"