En homenaje a los soldados y voluntarios que aquí resistieron heroicamente para defender Málaga frente a las Tropas Napoleónicas del IV Cuerpo de Ejército del General Sebastiani el 5 de Febrero de 1810. Excmo. Ayuntamiento de Málaga. Asociación H. C. "Teodoro Reding"

English translation: "In tribute to the soldiers and volunteers who heroically resisted here to defend Malaga against the Napoleonic Troops of General Sebastiani's Fourth Army Corps on February 5, 1810. Excellency Malaga City Council. "Teodoro Reding” H. C. Association"

Commemorative plaque in memory of the heroes of the combat of Teatinos located in the homonymous park, in Malaga, Spain. The combat of Teatinos was the confrontation occurred on February 5, 1810 in Teatinos during the Taking of Malaga between Napoleonic troops and the last Spanish resistants who refused to surrender the city.