Gemeenlandshuis van Delfland Dit laatgotische woonhuis is het oudste stenen woonhuis in Delft. Het is gebouwd in 1505 in opdracht van Jan de Huyter, baljuw en dijkgraaf. De wapenschilden boven de ingang dateren uit 1652 en zijn ontwapen door de architect en schilder Pieter Post. Sinds 1645 is het Hoogheemraadschap van Delfland in dit gebouw gevestigd. Waterschappen behoren tot de oudste overheidsinstanties van Nederland. Ze zijn verantwoordelijk voor bescherming tegen overstromingen, voor schoon water, voldoende water en het zuiveren van afvalwater. Post graag afgeven bij de receptie, Phoenixstraat 32. This late Gothic house is the oldest stone-built house in Deb. It was commissioned to be built by the bailiff and dike reeve, Jan de Huyter, in 1505. The coatr of arms above the entrance date back to 2652 and were designed by Pieter Post, a Dutch Golden Age architect and painter. The .Ifland Water Authority has been based in this building since 1645. The Water Authorities are the oldest government institutions in the Netherlands. They are responsible for flood protection, good water quality, surface water level management and sewage treatment. Hoogheemraadschap van Delfland

English translation: "Delfland Municipal House This late Gothic house is the oldest stone house in Delft. It was built in 1505 commissioned by Jan de Huyter, bailiff and dyke grave. The coats of arms upstairs the entrance dates back to 1652 and were disarmed by the architect and painter Pieter Mail. Since 1645, the Delfland Water Council has been located in this building. Water boards are among the oldest government agencies in the Netherlands. They are responsible for flood protection, for clean water, sufficient water and the purification of wastewater. Please drop off mail at reception, Phoenixstraat 32. This late Gothic house is the oldest stone-built house in Deb. It was commissioned to be built by the bailiff and dike reeve, Jan de Huyter, in 1505. the entrance date back to 2652 and were designed by Pieter Post, a Dutch Golden Age architect and painter. The .Ifland Water Authority has been based in this building since 1645. The Water Authorities are the oldest government institutions in the Netherlands. They are responsible for flood protection, good water quality, surface water level management and sewage treatment. Delfland Water Council [AWS Translate]"

Oude Delft 167, Delft
[geolocate this address]

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