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Plaque Of The Day

Bristol Riots blue plaque

Jez says, "Another home-made plaque. This time marking some rioting in Bristol over a Tesco store opening"

Place Of The Day

Norwich, United Kingdom

Norwich has a long history. It has been a city since 1094. From the Middle Ages until the Industrial Revolution, Norwich was the largest city in England after London and one of the most important. This is refelected in its plaques.

Most-viewed plaques

In the last 11 years, between 20 May 2009 to 6 Jan 2021, Open Plaques had 4,530,517 page views from 1,234,480 users. Some were triggered by internet memes such as Steve Ullathorne's 2012 image of a George Orwell plaque with a CCTV camera next to it. Others, such as those for Alan Turing, were probably triggered by an anniversary and campaign for recognition.

  1. George Orwell 1903-1950 novelist & political essayist lived here (19526 page views)
  2. Jacob von Hogflume 1864-1909 Inventor of time travel. lived here in 2189 (15077 page views)
  3. George Orwell 1903-1950 novelist and political essayist lived here (6390 page views)
  4. Jimi Hendrix 1942-1970 guitarist and songwriter lived here 1968-1969 (5714 page views)
  5. Alan Turing 1912-1954 founder of computer science and cryptographer, whose work was key to breaking the wartime Enigma codes, lived and died here. (4085 page views)
  6. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle 1859-1930 creator of Sherlock Holmes lived here 1891-1894 (3846 page views)
  7. Alan Turing 1912-1954 code breaker lived here from 1945-1947 (3679 page views)
  8. This building housed the offices of Charles Dickens' magazine 'All The Year Round' and his private apartments 1859-1870 (3339 page views)
  9. Dame Agatha Christie 1890-1976 detective novelist and playwright lived here 1934-1941 (3027 page views)
  10. The Peterloo Massacre. On 16th August 1819, a peaceful rally of 60,000 pro-democracy reformers, men, women and children was attacked by armed cavalry resulting in 15 deaths and over 600 injuries. (3006 page views)

recently photographed plaques

V.F.W.. The Veterans of Foreign Wars organized September 14-17, 1914, at the former Schenley Hotel near here. Veterans who had served in Cuba, Puerto Rico, the Philippines and China were among its founders.

5th Ave. & Bigelow Blvd., at Wm. Pitt Union by bus stop, Oakland, Pittsburgh, PA, United States

Edgar Kail Dulwich Hamlet FC 1900 to 1976 Last amateur footballer to play for England

Dulwich Hamlet Football Ground, Edgar Kail Way, Dulwich, London, United Kingdom


Notre-Dame-des-Victoires. En 1619 les Augustins déchaussés, dits Petits Pères, installent leur couvent sur un rectangle situé de la Bourse à la place des Petits-Pères et de la rue de la Banque à la rue Notre-Dame-des-Victoires. Le 9 décembre 1629 est posée la première pierre de leur église, consacrée à Notre-Dame-des-Victoires, en mémoire de la victoire de Louis XIII sur les protestants à La Rochelle. Trop petite, elle est reconstruite à partir de 1656 sur des plans de Le Muet par Libéral Bruant et Gabriel Leduc. Le portail, dû à Cartaud, achève le sanctuaire en 1740. Doté d’un vaste jardin et d’un double cloître superposé, le couvent est confisqué à la Révolution; sur son emplacement sont édifiées une caserne et la mairie d’arrondissement.

English translation: Our Lady of Victories. In 1619 Les Augustins déchaussés, called Petits Pères, set up their convent on a rectangle located from the Stock Exchange to the Place des Petits-Pères and from Rue de la Banque to Rue Notre-Dame-des-Victoires. On 9 Dec. 1629 the first stone of their church, dedicated to Notre-Dame-des-Victoires, was laid in memory of Louis XIII's victory over the Protestants at La Rochelle. Too small, it was rebuilt from 1656 on plans of Le Muet by Liberal Bruant and Gabriel Leduc. The portal, due to Cartaud, ended the sanctuary in 1740. With a large garden and a double overlapping cloister, the convent is confiscated in the Revolution; on its location are built a barracks and the district hall. [AWS Translate]

Place des Petits Pères, Paris, France

The Manor of Northstead held by Richard III stood on this site. Stewardship of the Manor disqualifies a Member of Parliament and, like the Stewardship of the Chiltern Hundreds, may be awarded to a Member who wishes to resign. The plaque was unveiled by Lord Martin Fitzalan-Howard of Brockfield Hall, York to mark the visit of Richard III to Scarborough in June 1484 to review his fleet and subsequently grant a charter to the town. 3rd June 1984. ‘loyalty binds me’

Peasholm Park, Scarborough, United Kingdom

Circa 1888 Carisbrooke This property is a portion of the farm Eastford, sold out of the Estate of George Rex to John Sutherland in 1845. It was purchased in 1849 by the Diocese of Cape Town, which laid out the housing lots here in 1883. HPL van Rooyen took transfer of this lot in 1884. Alexander McMaster bought the land in 1888 and built his family home here. In 1902 the property was sold to Albert Weeks, who was a town councillor in 1923 and owner of the second car to be brought to Knynsa. He died in 1929. The property was later transferred to Thesens & Co. and then sold to Johnny Lambert in 1954, who sold it to Maryna Bull in 1994. Since 1996 this property has been home of Architect Andre Vercueil and his family.

26 Newton Street, Knysna, South Africa

Couvent des Céléstins. Le couvent des Célestins de Paris fut fondé en 1352; en 1365 fut posée la première pierre de leur église consacrée à l'Annonciation. Leur domaine était très vaste, s'étendant de la rue du Petit-Musc à la Bastille et à la Seine. Au milieu du XVIe siècle, le roi reprit aux religieux un partie des terrains pour y installer l'Arsenal. Le cloître fut reconstruit sous François 1er, et les autres bâtiments conventuels furent refaits au XVIIe siècle. Transformée en dépôt de bois durant la Révolution, l'église gothique fut ravagée par un incendie en 1795. Le cloître fut sacrifié à l'extension de la caserne pendant le Consulat, et les derniers bâtiments disparurent entre 1895 et 1901, lors de la construction de la nouvelle caserne.

English translation: Céléstins convent. The convent of the Celestins of Paris was founded in 1352; in 1365 the first stone of their church dedicated to the Annunciation was laid. Their estate was very large, extending from Rue du Petit-Musc to la Bastille and la Seine. In the middle of the 16th century, the king took back part of the land to the religious to install the Arsenal. The cloister was rebuilt under Francis I, and the other conventual buildings were rebuilt in the 17th century. Transformed into a wood repository during the Revolution, the Gothic church was ravaged by a fire in 1795. The cloister was sacrificed for the extension of the barracks during the Consulate, and the last buildings disappeared between 1895 and 1901 when the new barracks were built. [AWS Translate]

18 Boulevard Henri IV, Paris, France

Hier wohnte Friedrich Daps Jg. 1932 eingewiesen 9.10.1941 Pflegeanstalt Lüneburg "Kinderfachabteilung" ermordet 21.3.1942

English translation: Friedrich Daps Jg. 1932 admitted 9.10.1941 nursing home Lüneburg “children's department” murdered 21.3.1942 [AWS Translate]

Dorfstraße 82, Isernhagen, Germany

East Gate. Defensive walls were built from 1266. On this site stood the town's east gatehouse, originally built 1277, rebuilt about 1440 and demolished in 1800. A bridge c1520 can be seen from the park, and the C14 walls stretch along both side streets.

Littleport Street, King's Lynn, United Kingdom


Улица названа в честь Пацаева Виктора Ивановича 1933 - 1971 лётчика-космонавта СССР героя Советского Союза инженера испытателя космического корабля Союз II и первой в мире пилотируемой орбитальной станции Салют почётного гражданина города Калуги.

3A Potsaeva street, Kaluga, Russia

In this building is the Corn Market circa 1668

Hill St, St. Helier, Jersey

Hier wohnte David Sobel-Brenner Jg. 1907 Flucht 1933 Palästina überlebt

English translation: Here lived David Sobel-Brenner Jg. 1907 Escape 1933 Palestine survived [AWS Translate]

Ohestraße 6, Hannover, Germany

Thomas Sheppard, curator, lived here 1888 - 1892

3, Victoria Avenue, Hull, United Kingdom
