Gwynfor Richard Evans
politician, lawyer, author, President of Plaid Cymru, Member of Parliament (1966-1970), and Member of Parliament (1974-1979)
Died aged 92
Wikidata WikipediaGwynfor Richard Evans (1 September 1912 – 21 April 2005) was a Welsh politician, lawyer and author. He was President of the Welsh political party Plaid Cymru for thirty-six years and was the first Member of Parliament to represent it at Westminster, which he did twice, from 1966 to 1970, and again from 1974 to 1979. On entering the House of Commons, he famously failed in his attempt to obtain permission to take the oath in the Welsh language. He was the first MP to attempt to do so, but the right to take the oath in any of the UK's native languages was not granted until 1974. His most notable achievement was his successful campaign for the creation of a Welsh-language television channel.
Commemorated on 1 plaque
Gwynfor Richard Evans (1912-2005) [full inscription unknown]
24 Somerset Road, Barry, United Kingdom where they was