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Plaque Of The Day

John Hampton green plaque

Jez says, "The first descent by parachute was a somewhat sturdy affair including whalebone ribs."

Place Of The Day

Norwich, United Kingdom

Norwich has a long history. It has been a city since 1094. From the Middle Ages until the Industrial Revolution, Norwich was the largest city in England after London and one of the most important. This is refelected in its plaques.

Most-viewed plaques

In the last 11 years, between 20 May 2009 to 6 Jan 2021, Open Plaques had 4,530,517 page views from 1,234,480 users. Some were triggered by internet memes such as Steve Ullathorne's 2012 image of a George Orwell plaque with a CCTV camera next to it. Others, such as those for Alan Turing, were probably triggered by an anniversary and campaign for recognition.

  1. George Orwell 1903-1950 novelist & political essayist lived here (19526 page views)
  2. Jacob von Hogflume 1864-1909 Inventor of time travel. lived here in 2189 (15077 page views)
  3. George Orwell 1903-1950 novelist and political essayist lived here (6390 page views)
  4. Jimi Hendrix 1942-1970 guitarist and songwriter lived here 1968-1969 (5714 page views)
  5. Alan Turing 1912-1954 founder of computer science and cryptographer, whose work was key to breaking the wartime Enigma codes, lived and died here. (4085 page views)
  6. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle 1859-1930 creator of Sherlock Holmes lived here 1891-1894 (3846 page views)
  7. Alan Turing 1912-1954 code breaker lived here from 1945-1947 (3679 page views)
  8. This building housed the offices of Charles Dickens' magazine 'All The Year Round' and his private apartments 1859-1870 (3339 page views)
  9. Dame Agatha Christie 1890-1976 detective novelist and playwright lived here 1934-1941 (3027 page views)
  10. The Peterloo Massacre. On 16th August 1819, a peaceful rally of 60,000 pro-democracy reformers, men, women and children was attacked by armed cavalry resulting in 15 deaths and over 600 injuries. (3006 page views)

recently photographed plaques

Texas Historical Marker #11808

Newburn-Rawlinson House. The Rev. John Madison Newburn (1868-1926), a native of Mississippi, came to Jacksonville from Neches, Texas, in the winter of 1896 to assume the pastorate of the First Baptist Church. He and his wife Lula purchased property on this site in 1901 from F. A. Fuller and R. B. Longmire. Built in 1903, this house is a late example of a Victorian residence with transitional classical revival elements, including a two-story balustraded porch and four ornamental gables. The Newburn family formed close ties with Jacksonville College and other family and friends in the community. When housing facilities were limited at the school, the Newburn home served as a dormitory. Two Jacksonville College presidents, the Rev. J. V. Vermillion and Deacon B. J. Albritton, were among those who penned a special memorial record of Newburn's work with the First Baptist Church after his death. The Rev. Mr. Newburn had served 22 years as pastor. In 1928, after a fire destroyed the small Newburn Hospital owned and operated by J. M. Newburn's brother, C. L. Newburn, M. D., Lula Newburn offered her home to serve as a temporary hospital until a new facility was erected five months later. The home was owned and occupied by Newburn heirs until it was purchased by Dallas and Thelma Rawlinson in 1945. In later years the home served as a day care facility for area children. The house was returned to the friends of its first owners in 1994 when it was sold to Jacksonville College. Recorded Texas Historic Landmark - 1998 #11808

406 W. Kickapoo St., Jacksonville, TX, United States

John Wesley (1703-1791) On February 6, 1736, John Wesley, the founder of Methodism, landed at Peeper (now Cockspur) Island near here and there preached to his fellow voyagers his first sermon on American soil. A monument has been erected on Cockspur Island to commemorate the event. Sent to Georgia by the Trustees as missionary, Wesley was the third minister of the Established Church in the colony. He preached in the scattered settlements of Georgia, journeying thither by boat and over Indian trails. Wesley returned to England in 1737 after differences with his parishioners. "I shook off the dust of my feet and left Georgia," he wrote, "having preached the Gospel there (not as I ought, but as I was able) one year and nearly nine months."

Fort Pulaski national monument, Savannah, GA, United States


Jenny Lind (Madame Goldschmidt) 1820-1887 singer lived here

189 Old Brompton Road, London, United Kingdom


Dalle mura di questa Rocca il 13 Ottobre il 26 Novembre dell' anno 1943 Fopzando la dura custodia fascista evasero 94 detenuti politici Italiani e Sloveni per raggiungere sulle nostre montagne i primi nuclei partigiani e piaffermare nella lotta armata il diritto dei popoli alla liberta Nel ventennale della liberazione La Citta di Spoleto Q.M.P.

English translation: From the walls of this Fortress October 13 to November 26 of the year 1943 Overcoming harsh fascist custody 94 political detainees escaped Italians and Slovenians to reach our mountains The first partisan groups And to cheer up in armed struggle The right of peoples To freedom On the twentieth anniversary of liberation The City of Spoleto Q.M.P. [AWS Translate]

Via delle Ponte, Spoleto, Italy


The Muntin Kirk and the Muntin Bridge Stranraer's first Reformed Presbyterian Church, built here around 1797, known locally as the Muntin Kirk, was a reminder of services held in the hills and mountains in Covenanting times. The bridge, which crossed the Town Burn here, is still hidden beneath today's roadway.

1 Dalrymple Street, Stranraer, United Kingdom

Jim Larkin (1876 - 1947) renowned Trade Union leader was born in this street

The Globe, Combermere Street, Liverpool, United Kingdom


This Hospital was founded and endowed by Dame Sarah the Relict of Sir John Hewley of the City of York, Knight. Anno Domini 1700. Thou O God hast prepared of thy goodness for the poor. PS 68 10

St Saviourgate, York, United Kingdom


35 Mount Street one of the workshops of the Coventry Co Operative Watch Manufacturing Society Ltd set up by local watchmakers in 1876 about 1900 they moved to Stanley Terrace and ceased trading in 1918

35 Mount Street, Coventry, United Kingdom

Salem Chapel. Opened by the Independents in 1791 is the city centre's oldest surviving chapel. Its distinctive ministries of the Revds Parsons, Hudswell, Smith and Wrigley, and Guntrip sustained a vibrant chapel life; closure only came in 2001. Leeds United FC was founded here in 1919.

, Leeds, United Kingdom

Texas Historical Marker #12515

Wiley George. (1797-1862) Born in North Carolina, Wiley George enlisted in the Georgia militia at the age of 17, fighting in the War of 1812, He lived in Georgia and Alabama and was married to Nancy Jones (d. 1834) before coming to Texas in 1840. Settling in San Antonio, he engaged in business for some time, eventually marrying Anna McConnell in Victoria in 1845. They moved to Port Lavaca in 1848 to reside in a fine new home while George speculated in horses. He and Anna had one son, W. B. George, born in 1849. When Wiley George died in 1862, his estate was valued at $4,613.50. George is buried in the Port Lavaca Cemetery in an unmarked grave. (1998) #12515

?, Port Lavaca, TX, United States

Texas Historical Marker #15316

Old Red Schoolhouse. #15316

100 San Jacinto, Trinity, TX, United States

This house formerly the town residence of Sir George Skene Provost of Aberdeen 1676 to 1685 restored by the corporation of the city of Aberdeen was opened on the thirtieth day of September one thousand nine hundred and fifty three by her majesty Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother

Flourmill Lane, Aberdeen, United Kingdom
