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Plaque Of The Day

Victoria Hughes blue plaque

Jez says, "well, it's definitely a niche role..."

Place Of The Day

Norwich, United Kingdom

Norwich has a long history. It has been a city since 1094. From the Middle Ages until the Industrial Revolution, Norwich was the largest city in England after London and one of the most important. This is refelected in its plaques.

Most-viewed plaques

In the last 11 years, between 20 May 2009 to 6 Jan 2021, Open Plaques had 4,530,517 page views from 1,234,480 users. Some were triggered by internet memes such as Steve Ullathorne's 2012 image of a George Orwell plaque with a CCTV camera next to it. Others, such as those for Alan Turing, were probably triggered by an anniversary and campaign for recognition.

  1. George Orwell 1903-1950 novelist & political essayist lived here (19526 page views)
  2. Jacob von Hogflume 1864-1909 Inventor of time travel. lived here in 2189 (15077 page views)
  3. George Orwell 1903-1950 novelist and political essayist lived here (6390 page views)
  4. Jimi Hendrix 1942-1970 guitarist and songwriter lived here 1968-1969 (5714 page views)
  5. Alan Turing 1912-1954 founder of computer science and cryptographer, whose work was key to breaking the wartime Enigma codes, lived and died here. (4085 page views)
  6. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle 1859-1930 creator of Sherlock Holmes lived here 1891-1894 (3846 page views)
  7. Alan Turing 1912-1954 code breaker lived here from 1945-1947 (3679 page views)
  8. This building housed the offices of Charles Dickens' magazine 'All The Year Round' and his private apartments 1859-1870 (3339 page views)
  9. Dame Agatha Christie 1890-1976 detective novelist and playwright lived here 1934-1941 (3027 page views)
  10. The Peterloo Massacre. On 16th August 1819, a peaceful rally of 60,000 pro-democracy reformers, men, women and children was attacked by armed cavalry resulting in 15 deaths and over 600 injuries. (3006 page views)

recently photographed plaques

Marion & Steve on Flickr All Rights Reserved

Yvonne Blenkinsop b. 1938 Hull trawler safety campaigner. Founder/leader of the Hessle Road Women's Committee formed after the 1968 Triple Trawler Disaster in which 58 men perished. The women's swift action forced new shipping laws - saving countless future lives

Maritime Museum, Carr Lane, Hull, United Kingdom

Texas Historical Marker #03395

Mingus Baptist Church. Area Baptists trace their history to 1891, when the Pleasant Hill Missionary Baptist Church congregation was organized with 14 charter members. Originally named for the rural schoolhouse where early worship services were held, the congregation was renamed Mingus Baptist Church in 1900. In 1905, Guy B. and Lucile Wilson deeded this property to the congregation for religious purposes, and services have been held at this site continually since 1906. Active in missionary programs, the congregation continues to play an important role in the religious life of Mingus. (1992) #3395

?, Mingus, TX, United States

Cyrano de Bergerac. Savinien Cyrano de Bergerac (1619-1655) effectue ses études ici, au Collège de Dormans-Beauvais, avant de s'illustrer au combat, où son ardeur lui vaut le surnom de démon de la bravoure, et dans les polémiques littéraires. Mousquetaire à 19 ans et duelliste intrépide, il quitte l'armée pour se consacrer à l'écriture après une grave blessure à la gorge reçue au siège d'Arras. Ce disciple de l'astronome Gassendi se fait connaître par une comédie, le Pédant joué", qui inspire Molière; après une "Physique ou Science des choses naturelles", il donne libre cours à sa fantaisie dans les "Histoires comiques des Etats et Empires de la lune et du Soleil." La veine burlesque de ces publications posthumes amuse, mais leurs idées annoncent les philosophes des Lumières: non content d'imaginer la première montgolfière ou la rotation de la terre, Cyrano s'y livre à une satire de la religion et de l'absolutisme pour exposer une conception matérialiste de l'univers proche de l'athéisme.

English translation: Cyrano de Bergerac. Savinien Cyrano de Bergerac (1619-1655) studied here at the Collège de Dormans-Beauvais before showing up in combat, where his ardour earned him the nickname of the demon of bravery, and in literary controversy. A 19-year-old musketeer and fearless duelist, he left the army to devote himself to writing after a serious throat injury received at the siege of Arras. This disciple of astronomer Gassendi is known by a comedy, the Pédant Played, which inspires Molière; after a “Physics or Science of Natural Things”, he gives free rein to his fantasy in the “Comic Stories of States and Empires of the Moon and the Sun.” The burlesque vein of these posthumous publications amuses, but their ideas announce the philosophers of the Enlightenment: not content to imagine the first balloon or the rotation of the earth, Cyrano engages in a satire of religion and absolutism to expose a materialist conception of the universe close to atheism. [AWS Translate]

9 rue Jean de Beauvais, Paris, France


Old Custom House Built in 1838 to a classical design prepared by Decimus Burton. Early customs officers checked cargoes guano from Ichaboe, West Africa, sugar from the West Indies, flax from Russia and timber from the Baltic and Canada. Later, vessels brought wheat from San Francisco and cotton from the U.S.A. When the Custom House moved to Dock Street, the property became a private dwelling in 1876 and later the Town Council offices in 1889. When Fleetwood became a borough in 1933 it became the Town Hall. It is currently the Fleetwood Museum.

6-7 Queens Terrace, Fleetwood, United Kingdom


Maison natale de Félix Pécaut 1828-1898 L'un des fondateurs del'ecole gratuite, obligatoire et laïque. Lois de 1881-1882.

English translation: Home of Félix Pécaut 1828-1898 One of the founders of the free, compulsory and secular school. Laws of 1881-1882. [AWS Translate]

Rue des Jurats, Salies-de-Béarn, France

Texas Historical Marker #08054

Jefferson. Founded 1836. Named for President Thomas Jefferson. Chief river port of Texas, 1846-1870. This prosperous ante-bellum city became a Confederate Quartermaster Depot; produced boots, shoes, iron goods, preserved meats for army. Nearby oil field discovered in 1939. Many fine old homes and other landmarks. #8054

?, Jefferson, TX, United States


Widows Almshouses Built early 17th century as cottages. Converted in 1676 to Almshouses for six widows by Sir Roger Wilbraham, moved by the death of his wife and sons.

26 Welsh Row, Nantwich, United Kingdom


Город Багратионовск и железнодорожная станция названы в 1946 году именем пламенного патриота и выдающегося полководца России генерала Багратиона Петра Ивановича (1765-1812). В сражении с войсками Наполеона в 1807 г. под Прейсиш-Эйлау (ныне г. Багратионовск) отличился арьергард под его командованием

English translation: The town of Bagrationovsk and the railway station were named in 1946 after the fiery patriot and prominent commander of Russia, General Bagration Pyotr Ivanovich (1765-1812). In a battle with Napoleon's troops in 1807 near Preisch Eylau (now. Bagrationovsk) distinguished the rearguard under his command [AWS Translate]

, Багратионовский городской округ, г. Багратионовск, Russia

James Flewitt Mullock 1818-1892. To commemorate the life of a Victorian Newportonian - artist - art teacher - bibliophile - educational reformer - bon vivant - horticulturalist and clerk to Newport and St Woolos Burial Board, the first municipal body of its kind in Britain.

Keepers Lodge, St Woolos Cemetery, Bassaleg Road, Newport, Gwent, United Kingdom


Jonathan Davey 1760-1814 of Eaton Hall an Alderman of the City built this pedestrian way in 1812

14 Davey Place, Norwich, United Kingdom

Texas Historical Marker #04117

Presidio County Courthouse. A landmark of the Big Bend. Large dome is visible for miles. Constructed of native stone and brick made at Marfa. Stucco added later. Built 1886 in this county's third seat of justice. First county seat was Fort Leaton, on the Rio Grande; second, Fort Davis. Recorded Texas Historic Landmark, 1964. #4117

?, Marfa, TX, United States

MIV Historical Plaques Program #0016

Emerald Mechanics' Institute. Established 1905 and relocated to this site in 1923.The Mechanics’ Institute movement began in British urban industrial centres in the early 1800s. A “mechanic” was a person applying skills and technology. During the 19th century, most towns in Victoria established a Mechanics’ Institute or Athenaeum with a library and meeting hall. Common objects were the “spread of useful knowledge” and provision for “rational recreation” in the community. This plaque, No. 16 in the MIV series, commemorates the Institute's 100 years of service to the Emerald community.

400a Belgrave-Gembrook Rd, Emerald, Victoria, Australia
