Daniel Coit Gilman
Died aged c. 77
Wikidata WikipediaDaniel Coit Gilman (/ˈɡɪlmən/; July 6, 1831 – October 13, 1908) was an American educator and academic. Gilman was instrumental in founding the Sheffield Scientific School at Yale College, and subsequently served as the second president of the University of California, Berkeley, as the first president of Johns Hopkins University, and as founding president of the Carnegie Institution. Eponymous halls at both Berkeley and Hopkins pay tribute to his service. He was also co-founder of the Russell Trust Association, which administers the business affairs of Yale's Skull and Bones society. Gilman served for twenty five years as president of Johns Hopkins; his inauguration in 1876 has been said to mark "the starting point of postgraduate education in the U.S."
Commemorated on 1 plaque
Daniel Coit Gilman, first president of Johns Hopkins University and first Director of Johns Hopkins Hospital, as well as a trail blazer in American graduate and professional education [full inscription unknown]
1300 Eutaw Place, Bolton Hill, Baltimore, MD, United States where they lived