Commemorated on 4 plaques
Жилой дом построен в 1913 г. Архитектор Ф.О. Ливчак
ул. Кузнецова, 10, Ulyanovsk, Russia where they was the architect of the building
Дом архитектора Федора Осиповича Ливчака /1874 - 1919/ построен в 1914 г.
ул. Архитектора Ливчака, 4, Ulyanovsk, Russia where they lived
Доходный дом княжны Евгении Ухтомской построен в 1911-1912 г. Архитектор Ф.О. Ливчак.
ул. Льва Толстого, 28, Ulyanovsk, Russia where they was the architect of the building
Здание построено в 1912-1913 г.г. для общества взаимного кредита. Архитектор Ф.О. Ливчак
English translation: This building was built in 1912-1913 for mutual credit societies. Architect F. O. Livchak
ул. Гончарова, 48, Ulyanovsk, Russia where they was the architect of the building