Documenting the historical links between people and places as recorded by commemorative plaques

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Plaque Of The Day

Muhammad Ali blue plaque

myf says, "Sometimes plaques are put up to commemorate the oddest things! Sadly this one is no longer on display."

Place Of The Day

Norwich, United Kingdom

Norwich has a long history. It has been a city since 1094. From the Middle Ages until the Industrial Revolution, Norwich was the largest city in England after London and one of the most important. This is refelected in its plaques.

Most-viewed plaques

In the last 11 years, between 20 May 2009 to 6 Jan 2021, Open Plaques had 4,530,517 page views from 1,234,480 users. Some were triggered by internet memes such as Steve Ullathorne's 2012 image of a George Orwell plaque with a CCTV camera next to it. Others, such as those for Alan Turing, were probably triggered by an anniversary and campaign for recognition.

  1. George Orwell 1903-1950 novelist & political essayist lived here (19526 page views)
  2. Jacob von Hogflume 1864-1909 Inventor of time travel. lived here in 2189 (15077 page views)
  3. George Orwell 1903-1950 novelist and political essayist lived here (6390 page views)
  4. Jimi Hendrix 1942-1970 guitarist and songwriter lived here 1968-1969 (5714 page views)
  5. Alan Turing 1912-1954 founder of computer science and cryptographer, whose work was key to breaking the wartime Enigma codes, lived and died here. (4085 page views)
  6. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle 1859-1930 creator of Sherlock Holmes lived here 1891-1894 (3846 page views)
  7. Alan Turing 1912-1954 code breaker lived here from 1945-1947 (3679 page views)
  8. This building housed the offices of Charles Dickens' magazine 'All The Year Round' and his private apartments 1859-1870 (3339 page views)
  9. Dame Agatha Christie 1890-1976 detective novelist and playwright lived here 1934-1941 (3027 page views)
  10. The Peterloo Massacre. On 16th August 1819, a peaceful rally of 60,000 pro-democracy reformers, men, women and children was attacked by armed cavalry resulting in 15 deaths and over 600 injuries. (3006 page views)

recently photographed plaques

Monceau on Flickr All Rights Reserved
stevesheriw on Flickr All Rights Reserved
Marion & Steve on Flickr All Rights Reserved

James Lougheed (later Sir James) came to Calgary as a young lawyer in 1885 and later became leader of the Opposition in the Canadian Senate. He built a frame home for his family on this site. In the 1890's, after moving his family to a larger home, he built this sandstone building, the Norman Block and others on land he had purchased on Stephen Avenue. Although gutted by fire on four occasions, it was rebuilt each time to original specifications. During its lifetime the building housed such diverse businesses as a clothing store (operated by Tommy Burns, the only Canadian to win the world heavyweight boxing championship) and the Lyric (later Pantages) theatre. The theatre was managed by Ernest Willis, an Australian actor who, for many years, had appeared on British and European stages. It exhibited some of the first motion pictures seen in Calgary. This plaque was unveiled by Premier Lougheed, grandson of the original owner, and nephew of the man for whom it was named, one of Sir James Lougheed's sons.

8 Avenue Southwest, Calgary, AB, Canada

Porta Saragozza [full inscription unknown]

, Bologna, Italy

To mark the re-publication of Robert Baden-Powell's Scouting for Boys as part of Scouting's centenary celebrations

Wimbledon, London, United Kingdom

Walton Cottage. Harry Brearley 1871-1948 Inventor of Stainless Steel metallurgist born in Sheffield. He created Stainless Steel in 1913 and was subsequently awarded the Bessemer Gold Medal inn 1920. Died here in 1948 in the house he built for his retirement

, Torquay, United Kingdom


The renowned portrait painter George Romney was born in Beckside, Dalton in Furness in 1734 died 1802

Town Hall, Dalton-In-Furness, United Kingdom


Ethel Margaret 'Madge' Turner 1884 - 1948 Chicester's most prominent campaigner for women's suffrage, studied here at The Technical Institute and School of Art 1900.

Buttermarket, North Street, Chicester, United Kingdom

Le Père Lacordaire, illustre fondateur des Conferences de Notre-Dame, a habite dans cette maison de 1849 a 1852.

English translation: Father Lacordaire, an illustrious founder of the Conferences of Our Lady, lived in this house from 1849 to 1852. [AWS Translate]

72 rue de Vaugirard, Paris, France

Texas Historical Marker #05335

The Flores de Abrego Family and Floresville. The Flores de Abrego family came to the New World from northern Spain before the time of the American Revolution. During the 18th century, members of this family brought their cattle northward and established ranches along the San Antonio River. The head of this family was Francisco Antonio Flores de Abrego II (d. 1757), who married Rosa Hermenegilda Hernandez. Their son, Jose Joaquin Flores de Abrego (1742-c. 1800), grew up on the San Bartolo Ranch in present Karnes County. Jose Joaquin's grandsons Manuel, Salvador, Nepomuceno, and Jose Maria later fought on the side of the Texians during the revolution for independence from Mexico. In 1854 Josefa Agustina Flores de Abrego, daughter of Jose Maria Flores de Abrego, married Samuel William Barker, who became Wilson County's first sheriff in 1860. In 1867 Josefa's donation of 200 acres of land was accepted by the County Commissioners Court as the site for the new county seat. As she requested, the new town was named Floresville in honor of her ancestor, Francisco Antonio Flores de Abrego II. As prominent ranchers, with cattle brands registered in Floresville, the Flores de Abrego family played an important role in the colonization of this area. Texas Sesquicentennial 1836-1986 #5335

4th and B St., Floresville, TX, United States

34-44 Hill Street & 1-3 Ryley Street. The finest surviving examples of 18th Century terraced houses in Coventry. They were saved from demolition and carefully restored in 1979 by Mr J. Field.

34-44 Hill Street, Coventry, United Kingdom

Texas Historical Marker #08597

Leake Building. Originally a one-story frame business house built in 1873 by Walter J. and Julia C. Peterson, this structure was enlarged in 1885. Native sandstone walls and a second story were added. John Wesley Leake (1852-1940), a builder, horse breeder, and race track owner, bought the property in 1886. He and his descendants owned the building more than 80 years. The Victorian commercial structure has housed many important firms. Recorded Texas Historic Landmark - 1977 #8597

211 E. Washington Avenue, Navasota, TX, United States

On the 22nd January 1945 at 2.35pm the last V2 long range rocket to hit Kingston fell near this spot. resulting in the deaths of 8 persons and causing injury to 117 more. A total of 33 homes were destroyed and over 2,000 more were damaged, making it the most severe and widespread incident of World War II in the Royal Borough

Corner of King’s Road and Park Road, Kingston Upon Thames, United Kingdom


Larcum Kendall 1719–1790 celebrated watchmaker appointed by the Board of Longitude to make chronometers used by Captain Cook and Bligh in the South Seas lived near here as a child

Post Office, 8 Market Street, Charlbury, United Kingdom
