Documenting the historical links between people and places as recorded by commemorative plaques

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So far, plaque hunters around the world have found, photographed, and curated 54653 plaques. Use the search box in the top-right corner, or browse plaques by person, place


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Plaque Of The Day

Norman Wisdom blue plaque

Jez says, "Made by Leander Architecture, this plaque is the first to include a QR code which when scanned by a mobile phone will take you to a Norman Wisdom web"

Place Of The Day

Norwich, United Kingdom

Norwich has a long history. It has been a city since 1094. From the Middle Ages until the Industrial Revolution, Norwich was the largest city in England after London and one of the most important. This is refelected in its plaques.

Most-viewed plaques

In the last 11 years, between 20 May 2009 to 6 Jan 2021, Open Plaques had 4,530,517 page views from 1,234,480 users. Some were triggered by internet memes such as Steve Ullathorne's 2012 image of a George Orwell plaque with a CCTV camera next to it. Others, such as those for Alan Turing, were probably triggered by an anniversary and campaign for recognition.

  1. George Orwell 1903-1950 novelist & political essayist lived here (19526 page views)
  2. Jacob von Hogflume 1864-1909 Inventor of time travel. lived here in 2189 (15077 page views)
  3. George Orwell 1903-1950 novelist and political essayist lived here (6390 page views)
  4. Jimi Hendrix 1942-1970 guitarist and songwriter lived here 1968-1969 (5714 page views)
  5. Alan Turing 1912-1954 founder of computer science and cryptographer, whose work was key to breaking the wartime Enigma codes, lived and died here. (4085 page views)
  6. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle 1859-1930 creator of Sherlock Holmes lived here 1891-1894 (3846 page views)
  7. Alan Turing 1912-1954 code breaker lived here from 1945-1947 (3679 page views)
  8. This building housed the offices of Charles Dickens' magazine 'All The Year Round' and his private apartments 1859-1870 (3339 page views)
  9. Dame Agatha Christie 1890-1976 detective novelist and playwright lived here 1934-1941 (3027 page views)
  10. The Peterloo Massacre. On 16th August 1819, a peaceful rally of 60,000 pro-democracy reformers, men, women and children was attacked by armed cavalry resulting in 15 deaths and over 600 injuries. (3006 page views)

recently photographed plaques

stevesheriw on Flickr All Rights Reserved

Haydn Wood 1882-1959 composer. A much loved master of British light music lived here

25 Parliament Hill Mansions, Lissenden Gardens, NW5, London, United Kingdom


William Ward-Higgs composed "Sussex by the Sea" while living here at Hollywood House from 1902-1908

Hollywood House, Bersted Street, Bognor Regis, United Kingdom


Carnarias Tabernas Iussu, Aug, Nostri in unum Veteri lege collectas lanii impensa sua Reficiendas curarunt Anno MDCCLXIIII

English translation: Lussu rack taverns, Ago, into one of the old woolen collect their own expense for repairs to the year 1764 [Google Translate]

Via di Città (between Via Fontebranda and Via di Beccheria), Siena, Italy

Warwick Town Trail #08

The Abbotsford - Built 1714 - Attributed to Francis Smith Architect - < 7 Market Hall 6 - Barrack Street 9 ^

Market Place, Warwick, United Kingdom

Texas Historical Marker #04991

Southwest Baptist Theological Seminary. Chartered March 14, 1908, for graduate education in Christian ministries. Moved here in 1910 from Waco, Texas. Original 200-acre campus tract and first building, Fort Worth Hall, were gifts of people of Fort Worth. Control passed from Baptist General Convention of Texas to Southern Baptist Convention in 1925. First president (1908-14) was B.H. Carroll. Successors: L.R. Scarborough, 1914-42; E.D. Head, 1942-53; J. Howard Williams, 1953-58; Robert E. Naylor, 1958-. #4991

Jame & W. Seminary St., Fort Worth, TX, United States

Edith Grace Mackie (1853-1941) Philanthropist, lived here, founder and president of Wakefield Victoria Nursing Association. Raised funds for Clayton Hospital Children's Ward and funded extension and reconstruction of St. John's Church. Donated funds and land to Wakefield Girls' High School. Raised funds for the Paxton Society, Creating Green Spaces in Wakefield. 'Deeds not words'

1 St John's Square, Wakefield, United Kingdom

Texas Historical Marker #08573

Fanthorp Inn. Built in 1834 by Henry Fanthorp as a home for his bride, Rachel Kennard. Enlarged for hotel purpose. Served as first mercantile establishment and first post office (1835) in the region. Here Kenneth Lewis Anderson, vice-president of the Republic of Texas, died July 3, 1845. Stage lines from Houston to Old Springfield and Nacogdoches to Austin crossed here. #8573

579 S. Main, Anderson, TX, United States

Sir Malcolm Campbell 1885-1984 Donald Campbell 1921-1967 Speed Record Holders on land and water lived here

Canbury School, Kingston Upon Thames, United Kingdom


The line below marks the South East corner of Chilwell Hall cleared May 1933

214-218 High Road, Chilwell, United Kingdom


S. Francis Smitheman BA(Hons) FRSA 1927-2016 World renowned marine artist lived here 1976-2016

, Seaford, United Kingdom


Здесь в ХIХ веке были упокоены профессора – ректоры Кёнигсбергского университета Альбертина: Людвигас Реза (1776-1840) филолог, Карл Бурдах (1776-1847) физиолог, Якоб Краус (1753-1807) философ

English translation: Here in the nineteenth century, professors — rectors of the University of Königsberg Albertine were repose: Ludvyas Reza (1776-1840) philologist, Carl Burdach (1776-1847) physiologist, Jacob Kraus (1753-1807) philosopher [AWS Translate]

Железнодорожная, подпорная стена около Бранденбургских ворот, Калининград - Kaliningrad, Russia

"Улица названа в 1946 году именем гвардии старшины медицинской службы Ковальчук Елены Борисовны (1910-1944), прославленной медицинской сестры, вынесшей с поля боя сотни раненных воинов"

English translation: “The street is named in 1946 after the guard officer of medical service Kovalchuk Elena Borisovna (1910-1944), the famous nurse who took out hundreds of wounded soldiers from the battlefield” [AWS Translate]

, Калининград - Kaliningrad, Russia