Dr William Budd FRS

Died aged c. 69

William Budd (14 September 1811 – 9 January 1880) was an English physician and epidemiologist known for recognizing that infectious diseases were contagious. He recognized that the "poisons" involved in infectious diseases multiplied in the intestines of the sick, were present in their leaks, and could then be transmitted to the healthy through their consumption of contaminated water. He particularly understood this about the transmission of cholera (as he learned from the work of the physician John Snow) and typhoid fever.

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Commemorated on 2 plaques

William Budd 1811-1880 physician & epidemiologist pioneer in the isolation of infectious diseases lived here 1853-1855

Blackwells Bookshop, 89 Park Street, Bristol, United Kingdom where they lived (1853-1855)

William Budd M.D., F.R.S. 1811-1880 physician and epidemiologist lived here 1860-1865

13 Lansdown Place, Bristol, United Kingdom where they lived