Bosqueville Cemetery, Bosqueville, TX

place and cemetery

Aged 175

Commemorated on 1 plaque

Texas Historical Marker #00467

Bosqueville Cemetery. Burials began here as early as 1850 on 10 acres given by Little Berry White for a school and cemetery. A log schoolhouse at this site in 1853-54 served the Methodist and Baptist Churches as a meeting place. Some of the unmarked graves were those of slaves. The first marked graves dated 1856, were those of David Smith Kornegay, a veteran of San Jacinto, and his mother-in-law, Bridget Lamb McGary. Another San Jacinto soldier, Alexander McKinza, and thirty-one veterans of the confederate army are buried here. In 1908, heirs of Dr. N.J. Wortham gave 1.5 acres. #467

?, Bosqueville, TX, United States where it sited (1850)