Richmond Gaol

place and gaol

Aged unknown

The Richmond Gaol is a convict era building and tourist attraction in Richmond, Tasmania, and is the oldest intact gaol in Australia. Building of the gaol commenced in 1825, and predates the establishment of the penal colony at Port Arthur in 1833. One of the tasks completed by the convicts who were held at Richmond Gaol was the construction of Richmond Bridge. Most of the gaol buildings have not been changed since convict times. They include an example of a female solitary confinement cell, measuring 2 metres (6.6 ft)s by 1 metre (3.3 ft) The buildings include a chain gang sleeping rooms, a flogging yard, a cookhouse and holding rooms. The buildings also feature historical relics and documents.

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Commemorated on 1 plaque

Richmond Gaol. Richard & John Snell Protestant martyrs were imprisoned here 1558. Richard Snell was burnt at the stake nearby 9th September 1558. Accounts of their trials and deaths appear in Foxe's Book of Martyrs

Newbiggin, Richmond, Yorkshire, United Kingdom where it sited