Paul Jean Toulet

Died aged 53

Paul-Jean Toulet (5 June 1867, Pau, Pyrénées-Atlantiques - 6 September 1920) was a French poet, novelist and feuilleton writer.

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Commemorated on 1 plaque

Cette terrasse fut pendant vingt ans l'observatoire du delicat ciseleur de rimes Paul Jean Toulet Il medita ici La Jeune Fille Verte parmi ses amis Les Mortiripuaires 1867-1920

English translation: This terrace was for twenty years the observatory of the delicate chiseler of rhymes Paul Jean Toulet He meditated here La Jeune Fille Verte Among his friends The Mortiripuaires 1867-1920

Boulevard Saint-Guily, Salies-de-Béarn, France where they was