Dr Andrew Anderson, Jr.

Died aged c. 85

Dr. Andrew Anderson, Jr., was born in St. Augustine in 1839, a few months before his father died of yellow fever. He received his medical degree from Princeton University in 1865 and in 1874 was one of 14 physicians to form the Florida Medical Association. He wintered in St. Augustine until 1895 when he married Mary Elizabeth Smethurst, and they became full-time residents. Anderson became a close friend of Henry Flagler, and in 1888 supervised the construction of Flagler’s two hotels, the Ponce de Leon and the Alcazar. Much of the Flagler property in downtown St. Augustine was purchased from Dr. Anderson. Anderson contributed the Carrera marble lions that guard the approach to the Bridge of Lions from downtown to Anastasia Island. Dr. Anderson also donated money to Flagler Hospital, the Memorial Presbyterian Church and the University of Florida. He died in 1924.


Commemorated on 1 plaque

Dr. Andrew Anderson, Jr.

Dr. Andrew Anderson, Jr. [full inscription unknown]

Markland, 102 King Street, St, St. Augustine, FL, United States where they was