Marcellus Emants


Aged unknown

Marcellus Emants (12 August 1848 – 14 October 1923) was a Dutch novelist whose work is considered one of the few examples of Dutch Naturalism. His writing is seen as a first step towards the renewing force of the Tachtigers towards modern Dutch literature, a movement which started around the 1880s. His most well-known work is A Posthumous Confession, published in 1894, translated by J. M. Coetzee.

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Commemorated on 1 plaque

De schrijver Marcellus Emants woonde van 1909 tot 1920 in dit huis, Parkstraat 38. 'Volgens mij moet een mens in het leven altijd kiezen tussen twee kwaden en nooit tussen een goed en kwaad' (brief augustus 1911 aan A.G.H.M. Browne-Hartogh Heys van Zouteveen). Deze plaquette werd onthuld op 24 februari 1992 door Pierre H. Dubois ter herinnering aan het tweeëntwintigjarig bestaan van de uitgeverij BZZTôH''

English translation: The writer Marcellus Emants lived from 1909 to 1920 in this house, Parkstraat 38. 'In my opinion, a person in life must always choose between two evils and never between good and evil' (letter August 1911 to AGHM Browne-Hartogh Heys van Zouteveen). This plaque was unveiled on 24 February 1992 by Pierre H. Dubois in memory of the twenty-second anniversary of the BZZTôH publishing house.

Parkstraat 38, Den Haag, Netherlands where they lived (1909-1920)