John Hughes Bennett


Died aged 63

John Hughes Bennett PRCPE FRSE (31 August 1812 – 25 September 1875) was an English physician, physiologist and pathologist. His main contribution to medicine has been the first description of leukemia as a blood disorder (1845). The first person to describe leukemia as an unknown disease was Alfred François Donné. Bennett was the first doctor to describe aspergillosis. In his seminal paper published in 1842 entitled "On the parasitic vegetable structures found growing in living animals" he makes the very first description of Aspergillus (a pathogenic fungus) growing in the lung tissue of humans.

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Commemorated on 1 plaque

Professor John Hughes Bennett MD Edin. Hon LLD Edin. FRCP Edin. FRSE 1812-1875 An outstanding physician, physiologist, pathologist and great teacher who in 1845 was the first to identify the disease leukaemia.

Teviot Place, Edinburgh, United Kingdom where they worked