Thomas Hawksley
(1807-1893) u

Died aged c. 86

Thomas Hawksley (12 July 1807 – 23 September 1893) was an English civil engineer of the 19th century, particularly associated with early water supply and coal gas engineering projects. Hawksley was, with John Frederick Bateman, the leading British water engineer of the nineteenth century and was personally responsible for upwards of 150 water-supply schemes, in the British Isles and overseas.

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Commemorated on 1 plaque

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Thomas Hawksley Park In memory of the engineer who on this site in 1851 provided the City with a drinking water supply. Dedicated by Tony Harding, Managing Director of Northumbrian Water Ltd., on May 19th 1998

Thomas Hawksley Park, Sunderland, United Kingdom where they provided the city with a drinking water supply (1851)