James Watson
discoverer of how DNA carries genetic information and Nobel Physiology or Medicine Laureate (from 1962)
Aged 97
Wikidata WikipediaJames Dewey Watson (born April 6, 1928) is an American molecular biologist, geneticist, and zoologist. In 1953, he co-authored with Francis Crick the academic paper proposing the double helix structure of the DNA molecule. Watson, Crick and Maurice Wilkins were awarded the 1962 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine "for their discoveries concerning the molecular structure of nucleic acids and its significance for information transfer in living material". In subsequent years, it has been recognized that Watson and his colleagues did not properly attribute colleague Rosalind Franklin for her contributions to the discovery of the double helix structure. Watson earned degrees at the University of Chicago (BS, 1947) and Indiana University (PhD, 1950). Following a post-doctoral year at the University of Copenhagen with Herman Kalckar and Ole Maaløe, Watson worked at the University of Cambridge's Cavendish Laboratory in England, where he first met his future collaborator Francis Crick. From 1956 to 1976, Watson was on the faculty of the Harvard University Biology Department, promoting research in molecular biology. From 1968, Watson served as director of Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL), greatly expanding its level of funding and research. At CSHL, he shifted his research emphasis to the study of cancer, along with making it a world-leading research center in molecular biology. In 1994, he started as president and served for 10 years. He was then appointed chancellor, serving until he resigned in 2007 after making comments claiming that there is a genetic link between intelligence and race. In 2019, following the broadcast of a documentary in which Watson reiterated these views on race and genetics, CSHL revoked his honorary titles and severed all ties with him. Watson has written many science books, including the textbook Molecular Biology of the Gene (1965) and his bestselling book The Double Helix (1968). Between 1988 and 1992, Watson was associated with the National Institutes of Health, helping to establish the Human Genome Project, which completed the task of mapping the human genome in 2003.
Commemorated on 5 plaques
DNA Double Helix 1953 'The secret of life'. For decades the Eagle was the local pub for scientists from the nearby Cavendish Laboratory. It was here on February 28th 1953 that Francis Crick and James Watson first announced their discovery of how DNA carries genetic information. Unveiled by James Watson 25th April 2003
The Eagle Public House, 8 Benet Street, Cambridge, United Kingdom where they made an announcement
The structure of DNA was determined here in 1953 by James Watson & Francis Crick
Old Cavendish Laboratory, Free School Lane, Cambridge, United Kingdom where they worked
James D. Watson, DNA scientist. Lived here 1983-1992
18 Vincent Square, London, United Kingdom where they lived (1983-1992)
In these rooms from 1955 to 1976 James D. Watson pioneered in the revolution of molecular biology.... planned the rejuvenation of the Cold Spring Harbor Lab under which he subsequently became director [full inscription unknown]
Harvard’s Biological Laboratories, Cambridge, MA, United States where they worked (1955-1976)
Pubs in Time #9
The Eagle, Cambridge Discovery of DNA on this spot on February 28, 1953, Francis Crick and James Watson made the first public announcement of the discovery of DNA with the words "We have discovered the secret of life". Throughout their early partnership Watson & Crick dined in this room on six days every week.
Bene't Street, Cambridge, United Kingdom where they was