Gooderham and Worts


Aged unknown

Gooderham and Worts, also known as Gooderham & Worts Limited, was a Canadian distiller of alcoholic beverages. It was once one of the largest distillers in Canada. The company was merged in 1926 with Hiram Walker & Sons Ltd., and the merged firm was eventually sold to Allied Lyons in 1987. The company's distillery facility on the Toronto waterfront was closed in the 1990s. The buildings, dating to the 1860s, were preserved and repurposed as an arts and entertainment district that is called the Distillery District. In 1998, the Gooderham and Worts Distillery was named one of the National Historic Sites of Canada.

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Commemorated on 1 plaque

Gooderham And Worts Distillery Complex La Distillerie Gooderham And Worts Canada The seeds of Canada's largest 19th-century distilling firm were sown in 1837 when a still was set up on this site to convert surplus grain from an 1832 grist mill into whisky Exploiting new technologies and commercial opportunities, Gooderham and Worts grew steadily, parallelling Toronto's rise as a manufacturing centre. With the large stone distillery erected in 1859-61 and brick malthouse, kilns, warehouses, shops and offices built before 1900, this complex is an outstanding example of Victorian industrial design in terms of integrity, historical associations and aesthetic qualities. L'origine de la plus grande distillerie canadienne du XIXe siècle remonte à un moulin érigé en 1832 et auquel on ajouta un alambic en 1837. Exploitant des techniques nouvelles et de nouveaux débouchés, Gooderham and Worts connut un rythme constant de croissance, parallèle à celui qui éleva Toronto au rang de centre manufacturier. L'édifice de pierre, érigé en 1859-1861 pour les alambics, et les bâtiments de brique construits avant 1900 pour les malteries, fours, entrepôts, ateliers et bureaux, forment un ensemble industriel victorien remarquable par son intégrité, son esthétique et ses liens avec l'histoire.

English translation:

16 Trinity St, Toronto, ON, Canada where it was