Ace Cafe
place and cafe
Aged 87
Wikidata WikipediaThe Ace Cafe is an old transport cafe located near Wembley, North West London, England. Situated next to the North Circular Road, it is historically a notable venue in motorcycle culture. The original cafe opened in 1938 and closed in 1969. It re-opened on the original site in 1997 as a cafe, functions, and entertainment venue.
Commemorated on 2 plaques
David Edward Sutch, Screaming Lord Sutch, Third Earl of Harrow 10.11.40-16.6.1999 musician, politician and fun raiser at the first Ace Cafe Reunion.
Ace Cafe, North Circular, London, United Kingdom where it sited
Ace Cafe. Built 1938 as part of a service area for the new North Circular Road. In the 1950s and 60s, it became a magnet for young motorcyclists.
Ace Corner, North Circular Road, Stonebridge, London, United Kingdom where it sited