Rafael Pérez Estrada


Died aged 66

Rafael Pérez Estrada was a Spanish poet, writer and visual artist born in Málaga, Spain.

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Commemorated on 2 plaques

En el Bilmore se celebraba la tertulia que congregaba a un grupo de intelectuales y escritores en torno a la figura del poeta Rafael Pérez Estrada (1934-2000)

English translation: Bilmore celebrated the gathering that brought together a group of intellectuals and writers around the figure of the poet Rafael Pérez Estrada (1934-2000)

Calle Cervantes, 13, Málaga, Spain where they was and frequented

Árbol en la calle. En el cemento el árbol tiene tristeza de abanico, abandono de aparcamiento, olvido de pájaro, soledad urbana y sombra inexplicable. [Rúbrica del autor] Rafael Pérez Estrada (De "La noche nos persigue", 1992)

English translation: Tree on the street. In the cement the tree has fan sadness, parking lot abandonment, bird oblivion, urban loneliness and inexplicable shadow. [Author's signature] Rafael Pérez Estrada (From “The Night Chases Us", 1992)

Calle Rafael Pérez Estrada, Málaga, Spain where they inspired