Commemorated on 1 plaque
Coinnigh cuimhne ar an gorta mór Fuair na mílte Eireannach dídean agus fostaíocht sa cheantar seo i rith an ghorta mhóir 1845-52. Ba in Éirinn a rugadh ceathrú de dhaonra an bhaile seo i 1851 - níos mó ná aon áit ar bith eile sa Bhreatain ag an am sin. This area of Birkenhead provided shelter and employment to thousands of Irish migrants in the Famine Years 1845-52. In 1851 a quarter of the town's population was Irish born - the highest proportion in any British town at that time. Remember the Great Famine
1 Price Street, Birkenhead, United Kingdom where it sited (1845-1852)