Modesto Laza Palacios

Died aged 80

Modesto Laza Palacios was a Spanish botanist, scientist, and pharmacist.


Commemorated on 1 plaque

La Academia Malagueña de Ciencias a Modesto Laza Palacios, insigne científico, botánico y farmacéutico, firme defensor de los valores ciudadanos y democráticos, y que fue su presidente de 1963 a 1981. En este edificio vivió y tuvo su laboratorio y farmacia. Málaga, 2018.

English translation: The Malaga Academy of Sciences to Modesto Laza Palacios, a leading scientist, botanist and pharmacist, a firm supporter of citizen and democratic values, and who was its president from 1963 to 1981. In this building he lived and had his laboratory and pharmacy. Malaga, 2018.

Calle Molina Lario, 4, Málaga, Spain where they worked and lived