Francisco de la Torre Prados

Aged 83

Francisco de la Torre Prados (born 21 December 1942) is a Spanish People's Party (PP) politician who has been the mayor of Málaga since 2000. He has also been president of the Provincial Deputation of Málaga (1971–1975), a member of the Congress of Deputies (1977–1982) and Senate (2011–2014).

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Commemorated on 1 plaque

Esta biblioteca municipal Serafín Estébanez Calderón fue inaugurada por el Excmo. Sr. alcalde D. Francisco de la Torre Prados, siendo concejal presidente de la Junta Municipal de Distrito Nº 9 D. José Hazañas Céspedes. Málaga, 28 de Marzo de 2011, Ayuntamiento de Málaga, Junta de Distrito 9, Campanillas.

English translation: This municipal library Serafín Estébanez Calderón was inaugurated by the Hon. Mr. Mayor Francisco de la Torre Prados, as chairman of the Municipal Board of Distirto No. 9 Mr. Jose Hazañas Cespedes. Malaga, March 28, 2011, Malaga City Council, District 9 Board, Campanillas.

Calle Ronda del Norte, 11, Málaga, Spain where they inaugurated (2011)