Pioneer Health Centre

place and Health Centre

Aged 99

The Peckham Experiment was an experiment designed to determine whether people as a whole would, given the opportunity, take a vested interest in their own health and fitness and expend effort to maintain it. The experiment took place between 1926 and 1950, initially generated by rising public concern over the health of the working class and an increasing interest in preventive social medicine.

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Commemorated on 2 plaques

The Pioneer Health Centre opened here in 1935. Known world-wide as the Peckham Experiment, it was a family-based club for the study of health and society

St Mary's Road, Peckham, London, United Kingdom where it sited (1935)

Dr. Innes Pearse 1889-1978 and Dr. George Scott Williamson 1884-1953 founded the Pioneer Health Centre here in 1926

142 Queens Road, Peckham, London, United Kingdom where it founded