Lex Flavia Malacitana

thing and tablet

Aged unknown

Lex Malacitana or Lex Flavia Malacitana ("Flavian law of Malaca") is a bronze tablet bearing Latin local statutes which deal with the official activities of the duoviri iuri dicundo. The tablet was found in the 20th century near (modern Málaga) with the , and it was dated from AD 81–84, i.e. the early reign of Domitian. Malaca was governed under this law, which granted free-born persons the privileges of Roman citizenship. Together with the lex Salpensana and the lex Irnitana it provides the most complete version of the lex Flavia municipalis, or the Flavian municipal law. and has allowed new insights into the workings of Roman law. The tablets are exhibited in the National Archaeological Museum, Madrid. Since the tablets provide the only surviving copy of large parts of the Flavian municipal law, they have provided new insights into the procedural side of municipal courts. In December 2016 a petition to Congreso de los Diputados was offered to give it back to the Museo de Málaga. The Ministerio de Cultura studied the case, and on 12 March 2018 Spanish Government denied it.

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Commemorated on 1 plaque

La Lex Flavia Malacitana es un estatuto jurídico romano, hallado en 1851 en El Ejido. Los bronces estuvieron en el Museo Loringiano en La Concepción hasta su venta al Museo Arqueológico Nacional, donde están expuestos.

English translation: The Lex Flavia Malacitana is a Roman legal statute, found in 1851 in El Ejido. The bronzes were at the Loringiano Museum in La Concepción until they were sold to the National Archaeological Museum, where they are exhibited.

Plaza Lex Flavia Malacitana, 5, Málaga, Spain where it was discovered