Christian Ulrich

Died aged 72

Christian Ulrich (27 April 1836 – 22 January 1909), was an Austrian-Hungarian architect. Ulrich gained his reputation with the grain elevator in Budapest. In 1880, he won a contest for the elevator's design and in 1883 the building was completed. Later he moved to Budapest where he designed a factory (Iparcsarnok) in the city park, which was built in 1885. Both buildings were demolished shortly after World War II. In 1879, Christian Ulrich designed a new facade and lobby for the Teyler's Museum in Haarlem (The Netherlands).

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Commemorated on 1 plaque

Teylers Museum Oudste museum van Nederland. Gebouwd in 1780 naar ontwerp van L. Viervant uit de nalatenschap van Pieter Teyler van der Hulst. Monumentale gevel uit 1878 van Chr. Ulrich. Collectie van prenten, childerijen, natuurkundige instrumenten, fossielen en mineralen, munten en penningen.

English translation: Teylers Museum Oldest museum in the Netherlands. Built in 1780, designed by Leendert Viervant from Pieter Teyler van der Hulst's legacy. Monumental façade from 1878 Christian Ulrich. Collection of prints, paintings, physical instruments, fossils and minerals, coins and tokens. [AWS Translate]

Spaarne 16, Haarlem, Netherlands where they designed