Andrea Cesalpino

Died aged 78

Andrea Cesalpino (Latinized as Andreas Cæsalpinus) (6 June 1524 – 23 February 1603) was a Florentine physician, philosopher and botanist. In his works he classified plants according to their fruits and seeds, rather than alphabetically or by medicinal properties. In 1555, he succeeded Luca Ghini as director of the botanical garden in Pisa. The botanist Pietro Castelli was one of his students. Cesalpino also did limited work in the field of physiology. He theorized a circulation of the blood. However, he envisioned a "chemical circulation" consisting of repeated evaporation and condensation of blood, rather than the concept of "physical circulation" popularized by the writings of William Harvey (1578–1657).

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Commemorated on 1 plaque

Quì abitò Andrea Cesalpino scopritore della circulazione del sangue e altore primo della classificazione delle piante

English translation: Here lived Andrea Cesalpino, discoverer of circulation of the blood and pioneer in the classification of plants.

, Arezzo, Italy where they lived