Aurelio Saffi

Died aged 70

Aurelio Saffi (August 13, 1819 – April 10, 1890: full name Marco Aurelio Saffi) was a Roman and Italian politician, active during the period of Italian unification. He was an important figure in the radical republican current within the Risorgimento movement and close to its leader and chief inspiration, Giuseppe Mazzini.

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Commemorated on 1 plaque

Perché il popolo sappi quì dimoro dal ixx Agosto MDCCCLXXX Aurelio Saffi della democrazia campione integèrrimo I reduci dalle patrie battaglie sede di Pisa posero questo ricordo il XVI novembre MDCCCXC

English translation: So that the people know where they have been living here since August 9th MDCCCLXXX Aurelio Saffi of democracy full champion The veterans of the homeland battles headquarters of Pisa placed this memory on November 16th MDCCCXC [AWS Translate]

Via Della Belle Torri, Pisa, Italy where they lived