Grote Kerk, Haarlem
place and church
Aged 546
Wikidata WikipediaThe Grote Kerk or St.-Bavokerk is a Reformed Protestant church and former Catholic cathedral located on the central market square (Grote Markt) in the Dutch city of Haarlem. Another Haarlem church called the Cathedral of Saint Bavo now serves as the main cathedral for the Roman Catholic Diocese of Haarlem-Amsterdam.
Commemorated on 1 plaque
Grote Of St. Bavokerk (Ned.Herv.) Laatgotische kruisbasiliek. gerestaureerd in 1985. Koor ca. 1400. schip 1481. transept ca. 1500. Houten vieringstoren 1520. gerestaureerd in 1969. Interieur: koorbanken 1512. koperen koorhek 1514. Chr. Muller-orgel uit 1738
English translation: Great Of St. Bavo Church (Ned.Herv.) Late Gothic cross basilica. restored in 1985. Chorus ca. 1400. ship 1481. transept ca. 1500. Wooden celebration tower 1520. restored in 1969. Interior: choir stalls 1512. copper choir gate 1514. Chr. Muller organ from 1738 [AWS Translate]
Grote Markt 22, Haarlem, Netherlands where it sited