Elise Sem

woman and barrister

Died aged 79

Elise Sem (26 November 1870 – 9 January 1950) was a Norwegian barrister, women's activist and sports official. She was the first female attorney in Europe and the first female barrister in Norway.

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Commemorated on 1 plaque

Elise Sem 1870-1950 Pionér innen Norsk rettsvitenskap bidro til ny lov 1904 - «lex elisiana» ga kvinner rett til å virke som advokater Europas første kvinnelige advokat egen praksis her 1904-15 Norges første kvinnelige Høyesterettsadvokat 1912 engasjement for kvinner og barns rettsvern

English translation: Elise Sem 1870-1950 Pionér in Norwegian jurisprudence contributed to new law 1904 - “lex elisiana” gave women the right to act as lawyers Europe's first female lawyer's own practice here 1904-15 Norway's first female Supreme Court lawyer 1912 commitment to women and children's legal protection [AWS Translate]

Karl Johans Gate 10, Oslo, Norway where they was