Ana Petra Pérez Florido


Died aged 60

Petra de San José (Valle de Abdalajís, province of Málaga, December 6, 1845-Barcelona, August 16, 1906) was a Spanish nun, founder of the Congregation of the Mothers of the Forsaken and Saint Joseph of the Mountain and promoter of the construction of the Royal Sanctuary of Saint Joseph of the Mountain in Barcelona. She was beatified by Pope John Paul II on October 16, 1994.

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Commemorated on 1 plaque

En este lugar, la beata Madre Petra de San José Pérez Florido, fundó en 1882 su primera escuela y noviciado. La ciudad de Málaga recuerda su obra en el año de su beatificación. Málaga, 21 de noviembre de 1994.

English translation: In this place, Blessed Mother Petra de San José Pérez Florido founded her first school and novitiate in 1882. The city of Malaga remembers his work in the year of his beatification. Malaga, November 21, 1994.

Calle Garcerán, 30, Málaga, Spain where they founded a school (1882)