Bertel O. Steen


Aged unknown

Bertel O. Steen AS is one of Norway’s largest service and trading companies, and has its headquarters in Lørenskog municipality. At year-end 2011, the Group had 2,660 man-years and operating revenues of NOK 11.7 billion. The Group is divided into three main segments: Cars, Other Business and Real Estate. The Car segment comprises Car Imports, Car Retail and Car Financing. Other Business comprises Agriculture, Sports and Leisure, Industry and Security and Snap Drive AS. The Real Estate segment comprises the Group's properties for car retail and other commercial properties. The car import and retail segment constituted 82% of turnover in 2011, with the other segments making up the remaining 18%. A total 98% of the Group's turnover was generated from sales in Norway.

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Commemorated on 1 plaque

Norges eldste Bilimportør Bertel O. Steen as startet her 1901 og bilimport fra 1907 bilparken i landet telte da 75 biler første bil i Norge 1895

English translation: Norway's oldest car importer Bertel O. Steen as started here in 1901 and car imports from 1907 the car fleet in the country counted when 75 cars first car in Norway 1895 [AWS Translate]

Kirkegata 9, Oslo, Norway where it was