Lock Up Heritage Centre, Llangollen
place, magistrates court, town hall, gaol, drill hall, lock-up, and armoury
Aged 191
Commemorated on 1 plaque
Lock Up Heritage Centre Built in 1834 as Lock-Up, Magistrates' Court and Town Hall, from the 1840's It also housed Llangollen's 1st police station. Sold and considerably enlarged in the 1870's, It served as Armoury and Drill Hall for the 9th Denbighshire Riflemen Volunteers, 1879-1910. From 1954-1998 used as Offices by Llangollen International Musical Eisteddfod, until acquired and restored as Lock Up Heritage Centre (Museum and Community Hall) by the Armoury Conservation Trust, 2012-2019. Canolfan Treftadaeth Dan Glo Adeiladwyd yn 1834 fel carchar, Liys Ynadon a Neuadd y Dref, ac o'r 1840'au cartrefodd gorsaf heddiu cyntaf Llangollen. Wedi el werthu yn y 1870'au ehangwyd llawer ar yr adeliad cyn gwasanaethu fel Artay a Neuadd Ymarfer rhwng 1879-1910 ar gyfer y 91ed Ralfflwyr Gwirfodasi Sir Ddinbych. O'r 1954 -1998 defnyddiwyd fei swyddfeydd gan Eisteddfod Ryngwladol Liangollan, cyn cael el brynu ai adnewyddu fel Canolfan Treftadaeth Dan Glb (Amgueddfa a Neuadd Gymuned) gan Ymddiriedaeth Cadwraeth yr Art 2012-2019.
English translation: Lock Up Heritage Centre Built in 1834 as Lock-Up, Magistrates' Court and Town Hall, from the 1840's It also housed Llangollen's 1st police station. Sold and considerably enlarged in the 1870's, it served as Armoury and Drill Hall for the 9th Denbighshire Riflemen Volunteers, 1879-1910. Dal 1954-1998 usato como Offices por Llangollen International Musical Eisteddfod, hasta que se acquisto e ripristino como Lock Up Heritage Centre (Museum and Community Hall) a la Armoury Conservation Trust, 2012-2019. Glo Heritage Centre Built in 1834 as a prison, Liys Magistrates and Town Hall, from the 1840s it housed Llangollen's first present-day station. It was sold in the 1870s and expanded greatly on the estate before serving as Artay and Rehearsal Hall between 1879-1910 for the 91st Rafflers of Denbighshire. From 1954 -1998 it was used as offices by the Liangollan International Eisteddfod, before being bought and renovated as Dan Glb Heritage Centre (Museum and Community Hall) by the Art Conservation Trust 2012-2019. [AWS Translate]
Lock Up Heritage Centre - Hill Street, Llangollen, United Kingdom where it sited (1834)