Juan Breva

Died aged 74

Antonio Ortega Escalona (Vélez Málaga, Málaga, 1844 - Málaga on June 8, 1918), artistically baptized as Juan Breva, was the greatest of Málaga's flamenco singers. His memory is so important that the most notable flamenco club in the city is named after him. He inherited the nickname from his paternal grandfather, who sold fruit and brevas singing these announcements: "De los montes de Vélez traigo mis dulces brevas, las doy para las probarlas". He stood out from a very young age singing verdiales and bandolás, in the festivals and gatherings of his town. He currently has family both in Malaga and Barcelona.


Commemorated on 1 plaque

En esta calle vivió, cantó y murió Antonio Ortega Escalona, el gran cantaor conocido como "Juan Breva". Puesta a los 50 años de su silencio. 1968.

English translation: Antonio Ortega Escalona, the great singer known as “Juan Breva”, lived, sang and died on this street. Set 50 years after his silence. 1968.

Calle Canasteros, 4, Málaga, Spain where they lived