Butter Cross, Whittlesey

place and market cross

Aged unknown

Commemorated on 1 plaque

Butter Cross, Whittlesey The Butter Cross, formerly known as the 'Market Cross', was built in the late 17th Century and used originally as an open market house. The building is now a protected Scheduled Ancient Monument. In the mid 19th Century the Governors of the Town Revenues received a request to have the building demolished and for some years it lay in disrepair. However, a local businessman, Mr Burrow, donated a supply of slates for the roof and thus it was saved. The new floorscape feature and seating were designed by Ray Smith and funded by the National Lottery through the Arts Council of England. The arts project forms part of the general enhancements to the Market Place area carried out by Fenland District Council in 1999 with support funding from Cambridgeshire County Council.

Butter Cross, Market Place, Whittlesey, United Kingdom where it sited