Commemorated on 1 plaque
En esta casa murió, el día 14 de marzo de 1891, la eminente escritora, hija de Málaga, Excma. Sra. D.ª Josefa Ugarte-Barrientos, condesa de Parcent y de Contamina. En igual día del año 1906, ofrece este homenaje a su memoria la "Academia de Letras Humanas".
English translation: In this house, on March 14, 1891, the eminent writer, daughter of Malaga, died, Her Excellency. Mrs. Josefa Ugarte-Barrientos, Countess of Parcent and Contamina. On the same day in 1906, the “Academy of Human Letters” offers this tribute to his memory.
Calle Moratín, 1, Málaga, Spain where they died (1891)