Bugrovskaya Nochlezhka overnight shelter

place and community centre

Aged 145

Commemorated on 1 plaque

здание ночлежного приюта "бугровская ночлежка" построено в 1880-1883 годах архитектор ф.н.фалин возведено на средства гласного городской думы известного предпринимателя и благотворителя александра петровича бугрова обитатели приюта послужили прототипами пьесы а.м.горького "на дне"

English translation: The building of the Bugrovskaya Nochlezhka overnight shelter was built in 1880-1883, the architect F.N. Falin was built at the expense of the public city council by the famous entrepreneur and philanthropist Alexander Petrovich Bugrov. The inhabitants of the shelter served as prototypes of A.M. Gorky's play “at the bottom” [AWS Translate]

Skoba Square, Нижний Новгород - Nizhny Novgorod, Russia where it sited