Giuseppe Danise

Died aged 80

Giuseppe Danise (11 January 1882 – 9 January 1963) was an Italian operatic baritone. He sang to great acclaim throughout Italy and the Americas, appearing in lyric and dramatic roles from the Italian, French, Wagnerian, and Russian repertoire.

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Commemorated on 1 plaque

Mcmxiii - mcmlxiii nel cinqvantenario degli spettacoli lirici in questa arena romana verona ricorda il tenore concittadino Giovanni Zenatello che ne fu il geniale promotore, il suo collaboratore Ottone Rovato, e gli altri realizzatori dell' "Aida" Verdiana Tullio Serafin, Ferruccio Cusinati, Ettore Fagiuoli, Maria Gay, Ester Mazzoleni, Mansueto Gaudio, Amerigo Passuello, Giuseppe Danise, Ugo Malfatti

English translation: MCMXIII - MCMlXIII on the 50th anniversary of opera shows in this Roman arena Verona remembers the tenor and fellow citizen Giovanni Zenatello who was its brilliant promoter, his collaborator Ottone Rovato, and the other creators of the Verdiana "Aida": Tullio Serafin, Ferruccio Cusinati, Ettore Fagiuoli, Maria Gay, Ester Mazzoleni, Mansueto Gaudio, Amerigo Passuello, Giuseppe Danise, Ugo Malatti

Arena di Verona, Verona, Italy where they worked