Itsasoralno kaleak sutan

place and street

Aged 212

Commemorated on 1 plaque

Itsasoralno kaleak sutan egur harrien goria... Suak ez ditu erretzen mina, maitasuna, memoria... Andre ta gizon hauexek dira, euren gain hartu zoria ta amildutako harri haiekin berreraikiz historia, behetik gora jaso zutenak goitik behera eroria. Malalen Lujanbio Omenaldia Donostiako herri zibilari, 1813an erre ondoren hiria harriz harri berreraikitzen ari den emakumeak Irudikatua. Homenaje a la población civil, encarnada en la figura de una mujer reconstruyendo la ciudad de San Sebastián ladrillo a ladrillo tras el incendio de 1813. Dora Salazarren "Berreralkuntza" eskultura Escultura "Reconstrucción de Dora Salazar

English translation: The streets of Itsarosalno, the heat of burning wood stones... The fire does not burn pain, love, memory... These women and men are the ones who took fate upon themselves and rebuilt history with those fallen stones, who picked up the fallen from above. Malalen Lujanbio Homage to the civil town of Donostia, the woman who is rebuilding the city stone by stone after it burned down in 1813. Pictured. Tribute to the civilian population, embodied in the figure of a woman rebuilding the city of San Sebastián brick by brick after the fire of 1813. Dora Salazar's "Reconstruction" sculpture Escultura "Reconstrucción de Dora Salazar

De Valle Lersundi Plazatxoa , San Sebastian, Spain where it burnt down a building (1813)