Mikel Laboa Manzisidor

Died aged c. 74

Mikel Laboa Mancisidor (15 June 1934 – 1 December 2008) was one of the Basque Country's most important singer-songwriters. Considered the patriarch of Basque music, his music has had an influence on younger generations. A testament to this is the tribute album Txerokee, Mikel Laboaren Kantak ("Cherokee: Songs of Mikel Laboa"), published in 1991 by various younger-generation rock and folk music groups. His album ("One-Three") was chosen in a reader poll by the local Diario Vasco newspaper as the greatest Basque album in history. Nearly all of his songs are sung in Basque.

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Commemorated on 1 plaque

Hemen Jaio Zen Mikel Laboa Manzisidor Artista Handia Donostia 1934-2008 "Kantuz Egin Dezaten Nitaz Oroitzean" Donostiako Kanku Jira, 2009ko Otsaila

English translation: He was born here Mikel Laboa Manzisidor Great Artist Donostia 1934-2008 "Let them sing when they remember me" Donostia Kanku Jira, February 2009

15 San Juan Kalea, San Sebastian, Spain where they was born (1934)