19 Rue Port Neuf

place and chocolate house

Aged 423

Commemorated on 1 plaque

Port Neuf No 19 Baiona Port Neuf Karrika, 19: aintzinaldea eta eskalerak 17. Mendekoak Dira. 19. Mendean Apainduak Eta Goratuak Eta 2020an Zaharberrituak Izan Dira. 1760 Urtean, Guillaume Penin Txokola Egileak, Peko Estaian, Bere Txokolatea Egiten Zuen. 1854. Urtean, Pierre Cazenave-k "Chocolats Cazenave" Sozietatea Eraiki Zuen. 1934. Urtetik Landa, Familia Beraren Belaunaldi Desberdinek Helburu Hauek Dituzte: Txokolatea Fabrikatzea (Prozesu Osoa Beren Gain Hartuz Bihitik Hasiz), Hobekuntza Bidea Segitzea (Bio Eta Lurraldearekilako Harremanak Sustengatzea) Eta Belaunaldi Gazteei Transmititzea. Immeuble Du Xvii° Siècle, Surélevé Au Xix° Siècle Et Restauré en 2020. En 1760, Guillaume Penin Installe Au Rez De Chaussée De Cet Immeuble Sa Fabrique De Chocolat. Pierre Martin Cazenave Qui a Créé Sa Propre Chocolaterie en 1854 Prend Sa Succession en 1864. Au Début Du Xx Siècle, Repris Par La Famille De Chocolatiers Bayonnais Biraben, La Chocolaterie Cazenave S'agrandit Avec La Création Du Salon De Thé. Vendue en 1934, La Chocolaterie Cazenave Appartient Depuis Cette Date À La Même Famille Qui a Pérennisé Le Savoir Faire Artisanal De La Production De Son Chocolat À Partir Des Fèves en L'améliorant: Certification Bio Et Implication Territoriale. Calle Port Neuf 19: Fachada Y Escalera Del Siglo Xvii, Remodeladas Y Levantadas en El Siglo Xix, Restauradas en 2020. En Su Planta Baja, en 1760, El Chocolatero Guillaume Penin Elaborada Su Chocolate. En 1854, Pierre Cazenave Creó Los Chocolates Cazenave. Desde 1934, Esta Casa Pertenece a La Misma Familia Que Desea Perpetuar Su Destreza (Fabricación a Partir De Los Granos), Mejoraria (Certificatión Bio E Implicatión Territorial) Y Transmitirla a Las Siguientes Generaciones.

English translation: Port Neuf No 19 Bayonne Port Neuf Karrika, 19: the façade and stairs are from the 17th century. They were decorated and elevated in the 19th century and restored in 2020. In 1760, the chocolate maker Guillaume Penin made his own chocolate in the Peko estate. In 1854, Pierre Cazenave founded the "Chocolats Cazenave" Company. Since 1934. In the Countryside, Different Generations of the Same Family Have the Following Objectives: Manufacture Chocolate (Taking Over the Entire Process Starting From the Beans), Continuing the Path of Improvement (Sustaining Bio and Territorial Relations) and Transmitting it to the Younger Generations. Building from the 17th Century, Raised in the 19th Century and Restored in 2020. In 1760, Guillaume Penin set up his chocolate factory on the ground floor of this building. Pierre Martin Cazenave, who created his own chocolate factory in 1854, took over in 1864. At the beginning of the 20th century, taken over by the Bayonnais Biraben family of chocolate makers, the Cazenave chocolate factory expanded with the creation of the tea room. Sold in 1934, the Cazenave Chocolate Factory has since belonged to the same family which has perpetuated the artisanal know-how of producing its chocolate from beans by improving it: organic certification and territorial involvement. Port Neuf Street 19: Facade and Staircase from the 17th Century, Remodeled and Raised in the 19th Century, Restored in 2020. On the Ground Floor of it, in 1760, the Chocolatier Guillaume Penin made the Chocolate from it. In 1854, Pierre Cazenave Created Cazenave Chocolates. Since 1934, This House Belongs to The Same Family That Wants To Perpetuate Its Skill (Manufactured From Los Granos), Mejoraria (Bio Certification and Territorial Implication) and Pass it on to the Next Generations.

Chocolat Cazenave - 19 Rue Port Neuf, Bayonne, France where it sited (1601)