Teatro Principal de Pamplona

place and theatre

Closed aged c. 90

Commemorated on 1 plaque

En 1841 se inauguró en este lugar el Teatro Principal, que pasó a denominarse Teatro Gayarre a partir de 1903. Derribado en 1931, se reconstruyó a pocos metros de aquí conservando casi íntegra su fachada. El 24 de octubre de 1896 tuvo lugar en este teatro la primera sesión cinematográfica de Navarra. Pamplona, 24 de octubre de 2021 Gobierno de Navarra Nafarroako Gobernua Teatro Principal antzokia hemen inaugura- tu zen 1841ean, eta 1903tik aurrera Ga- yarre Antzokia izena hartu zuen. 1931n eraitsi eta hemendik metro gutxira berre- raiki zen, fatxada ia osorik mantenduz. 1896ko urriaren 24an egin zen antzoki ho- netan Nafarroako lehenengo zinema-saioa. Iruñean, 2021eko urriaren 24an

English translation: In 1841, the Teatro Principal was inaugurated in this place, which was renamed Teatro Gayarre from 1903. Demolished in 1931, it was rebuilt a few meters from here, preserving almost its entire façade. On October 24, 1896, the first cinematographic session of Navarre took place in this theatre. Pamplona, ​​October 24, 2021 Gobierno de Navarra Government of Navarre The Teatro Principal theatre was inaugurated here in 1841, and from 1903 it was named Gayarre Theatre. It was demolished in 1931 and rebuilt a few meters from here, keeping the façade almost intact. On October 24, 1896, the first cinema screening in Navarre took place in this theatre. Pamplona, ​​October 24, 2021

Plaza del Castillo, Pamplona, Spain where it sited (1841-1931)