Tomás de Zumalacárregui

Died aged 46

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Commemorated on 1 plaque

Puerta De Zumalacarregui Na Manana De Octubre De 1833. Don Tomas De Zumalacarregui E Imaz, Coronel Del Ejercito, Nacido en Ormaiztegi El 29 De Diciembre De 1788, Salio Por Esta Puerta De Las Murallas De Pamplona Para Ponerse Al Frente, Como General, De Los Ejercitos Carlistas Defendiendo Los Ideales De Dios, Patria Y Rey, Principios Tradicionales Tenazmente Conservados, Igual Que Los Fueros, Por Los Habitantes Del Antiguo Reino De Navarra Modelo De Estratega Y Organizacion Militar. Supo Convertir Una Masa De Voluntarios en Un Ejercito Regular Capaz De Derrotar Consecutivamente a Las Fuerzas Isabelinas Su Muerte El 24 De Junio De 1835 Tras Ser Herido en El Sitio De Bilbao Supuso Un Duro Reves Para Las Armas De Don Carlos" 1833ko Urriko Goiz Batean, Tomas De Zumalacarregui Imaz Jauna, Armadako Koronela, Ormaiztegin 1788ko Abenduaren 29an Jaioa, Iruñeko Harresietako Ate Honetatik Atera Zen Eta Karlisten Armadaburu Jarri Zen, Jeneral Karguarekin, Jaungoikoa Aberria Ετα Erregea Idealak Defendatze Aldera Printzipio Tradizional Horiek Irmoki Gorde Izan Baitituzte Nafarroa Erresuma Zaharreko Biztanleek Foruekin Batera. Estrategian Eta Antolamendu Militarrean Eredugarria Jakin Izan Zuen Boluntario-oste Bat Armada Erregular Baten Pare Bihurtzen Eta Harekin Behin Eta Berriz Hartu Zuen Mendean Armada Isabeldarra Haren Heriotza, 1835ko Ekainaren 24an Bilboko Setioan Zauritua Izan Eta Gero Zoritxar Handia Izan Zen on Karlosen Armadarentzat."

English translation: Zumalacarregui Gate On the morning of October 1833. Don Tomas de Zumalacarregui E Imaz, Colonel of the Army, born in Ormaiztegi on December 29, 1788, left through this gate in the walls of Pamplona to lead, as General, the Carlist armies defending the ideals of God, Country and King, traditional principles stubbornly preserved, like the Fueros, by the inhabitants of the ancient Kingdom of Navarre, a model of military strategy and organization. He knew how to convert a mass of volunteers into a regular army capable of consecutively defeating the Elizabethan forces. His death on June 24, 1835 after being wounded in the siege of Bilbao was a severe setback for Don Carlos's weapons. One morning in October 1833, Mr. Tomas De Zumalacarregui Imaz, Colonel of the Army, Born in Ormaiztegin on December 29, 1788, came out of this gate of the walls of Pamplona and placed himself at the head of the Carlist Army, with the rank of General, the King of Jaungoiko to Defending the Ideals of the Homeland Ετα King Because Navarre has Firmly Preserved Those Traditional Principles The Inhabitants of the Old Kingdom Together with the Charters. A volunteer who was exemplary in strategy and military organization knew how to become a peer of a regular army and took the Elizabethan army with him once and again in the century.

Portal de Francia, Pamplona, Spain where they entered the city (1833)