Casilda Iturrizar

woman and benefactor

Died aged 81

Casilda Iturrizar (1818 – 22 February 1900), also known as the Epalza widow, was a Spanish philanthropist and businessperson from Bilbao in the Basque Country. Iturrizar sought to help the most disadvantaged members of Bilbao society using her fortune for charity. The street where she lived, a hospital wing, and a city park were named after her.

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Commemorated on 1 plaque

Año de MDCCCC. El Municipio de Bilbao a la Memoria De Dicasilda de Iturrizar El Cielo Ladoto De Grandes Riquezas que con Prodiga Mano Repartió Entre Los Neobitados De La Tierra

English translation: In the year 1900. The Municipality of Bilbao To the Memory By Dicasilda de Iturrizar El Cielo Ladoto Of Great Riches that with Prodigal Hand Divided Between Los Neobitados From La Tierra [AWS Translate]

8 Epaltzaren Alargunaren Kalea, Bilbao, Spain where they was (1900)