Henry Havelock Ellis
Died aged c. 80
Wikidata WikipediaHenry Havelock Ellis (2 February 1859 – 8 July 1939) was an English physician, eugenicist, writer, progressive intellectual and social reformer who studied human sexuality. He co-wrote the first medical textbook in English on homosexuality in 1897, and also published works on a variety of sexual practices and inclinations, as well as on transgender psychology. He is credited with introducing the notions of narcissism and autoeroticism, later adopted by psychoanalysis. Ellis was among the pioneering investigators of psychedelic drugs and the author of one of the first written reports to the public about an experience with mescaline, which he conducted on himself in 1896. He supported eugenics and served as one of 16 vice-presidents of the Eugenics Society from 1909 to 1912.
Commemorated on 1 plaque
Henry Havelock Ellis 1859-1939 pioneer in the scientific study of sex lived here
14 Dover Mansions, Canterbury Crescent, Lambeth, SW9, London, United Kingdom where they lived